Monday, June 26, 2023

Little DorritLittle Dorrit by Charles Dickens My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Charles Dickens is known for his vivid and realistic portrayal of the social and moral problems of Victorian England, and Little Dorrit is no exception. In this novel, he creates a rich and complex narrative exposing the corruption, injustice, and hypocrisy of his society, especially the institution of debtors’ prisons and government bureaucracy.

Techniques used include:

  1. Serial publication

    Dickens published Little Dorrit in 19 monthly instalments between 1855 and 1857. This allowed him readership engagement and feedback response. He also used cliffhangers and suspense to keep interest levels high for the next part.

  2. Plotline Complexity

    Dickens interweaves multiple plotlines involving different characters and settings around the main thread involving Amy Dorrit and Arthur Clennam. Examples: the mystery of Mrs Clennam’s secret, the rumored murder of Rigaud, the surprise inheritance of William Dorrit, and the financial ascendency and downfall of Merdle. Plotlines are connected via coincidences, foreshadowing and symbolism.

  3. Characterization

    Memorable and unique Dickensonian characters represent various aspects of the society, such as the innocent and selfless Little Dorrit, the proud and deluded William Dorrit, the kind and generous Arthur Clennam, the cold and cruel Mrs Clennam, the greedy and fraudulent Merdle, the rebellious and resentful Miss Wade, and the comic and absurd Flora Finching. He also uses florid names, local dialects, physical descriptions and personal habits to convey their character and roles.

  4. Satire

    Satire is used to mock and criticize the flaws and vices of the society, such as the inefficiency and corruption of the Circumlocution Office - a symbol of the government’s red tape and indifference; the pretentiousness and snobbery of the newly rich Dorrit family as they forget their humble origins; and the gullibility and greed of those who blindly follow Merdle’s financial schemes.

  5. Pathos

    Dickens also used pathos to evoke sympathic emotions toward his characters, especially those suffering from poverty, injustice and oppression. The harsh realities of life in the debtor prison are depicted to help explain how Little Dorrit's personality was forged; Dickens describes the loneliness and despair of Arthur Clennam resulting from his estrangement from his mother; the guilt of the tragic Mrs Clennam haunted by her past is slowly unveiled throughout the novel; he portrays the slow march of madness resulting in the tragic death of William Dorrit as he tries to find meaning in his sudden release from poverty.

Plot Spoiler Alert Beyond This Point

This novel exposes the corruption and injustice of the English society through the lives of two characters: Amy Dorrit and Arthur Clennam. Amy, also known as Little Dorrit, was born and raised in a debtor prison, where her father William Dorrit was imprisoned. Arthur Clennam is a middle-aged man who, after returning to England following his father’s death, becomes interested in Little Dorrit’s story. While helping her family by investigating their debt he uncovers a dark secret about his own mother’s involvement in a fraudulent scheme.

In classic Dickensian style, various characters are introduced representing the greed, hypocrisy, bureaucracy, and cruelty of English society, including the Meagles family, the Circumlocution (how not to do things) Office, Mr. Casby, Mr. Pancks, Rigaud, and Miss Wade. Predictably, he falls in love with Little Dorrit, but faces obstacles from his former fiancée Flora and Little Dorrit’s own pride and loyalty to her father.

The climax occurs after Pancks uncovers a long-lost inheritance for William Dorrit, who leaves prison with his family only to lose his money and his sanity. Arthur Clennam also loses his fortune and ends up in the same prison where he first met Little Dorrit. However, with the help of friends, they escape their misfortunes and get married at last.

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Wednesday, February 15, 2023

David Copperfield

David CopperfieldDavid Copperfield by Charles Dickens
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

I am on a long journey through all of Dickens' novels, in chronological order. David Copperfield marks the 60% mark on that trek. This was my most enjoyable read so far. The characters rolled out on this life tale are compelling. The tragic beginnings of Copperfield's life draw the reader into the story line, and the threads woven around the numerous characters and their interactions with David make this book well worth reading. It is highly recommended.

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Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Number One is Walking

Number One Is Walking: My Life in the Movies and Other DiversionsNumber One Is Walking: My Life in the Movies and Other Diversions by Steve Martin
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This book is a hilarious collection of Steve Martin movie-making memories and "diversions" made alive by Harry Bliss cartoons.

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Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Dombey and Son

Dombey and SonDombey and Son by Charles Dickens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I'm reading the Kindle edition of The Complete Works of Charles Dickens and this story marks the midpoint of this prodigious tome. Dombey and Son, centered around a flawed, wealthy, and prideful father and his neglected loving daughter, is typical of how Dickens tells a story. His love of the variety and subtlety of human life teaches the reader what it means to be sincerely happy, sad, frightened, abandoned, loved, or forgotten. There is horrible misery that many of his characters feel in this book, balanced by joy and hope found in the intricate personal relationships he artfully constructs. His narration of the characters' adventures is often humorous even if often obscured by the nineteenth century colloquialisms and a writing style some may find confusing and stilted.

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Tuesday, December 14, 2021

Martin Chuzzlewit

Martin ChuzzlewitMartin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The saga of Martin (the younger) Chuzzlewit is a complicated tale of human foibles that includes an American frontier adventure that almost doomed its protagonist. Mixed into this tale are large portions of family intrigue, young love, and disguised villainy. The 19th century language was a personal challenge and those used to modern novel constructs may find the read stilted and obtuse. The author attempts (via spelling) to mimic "lower class" verbalizations that I often found irritating, if not unintelligible. Despite these drawbacks, I found myself absorbed into the Dickensian world carefully constructed over the first fifty chapters as the threads were pulled together in the final four.

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Thursday, August 19, 2021

Barnaby Rudge

Barnaby RudgeBarnaby Rudge by Charles Dickens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Say "insurrection" in the United States these days, and most will think you are referring to the events in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021. Well, if you think THAT disgraceful Capitol mob scene qualifies as an insurrection, this book may change your opinion.

The underlying theme of Barnaby Rudge are the extraordinary destructive anti-Catholic London riots that occurred in June 1780, and how a simple-minded youth (Barnaby) was swept up in the week-long events. Lord George Gordon was the leader of the Protestant Association that organized a large demonstration march on Parliament designed to force a repeal of the Papists Act of 1778. This act eased restrictions on Catholics, allowing them to join the British armed forces. Like the events of January 6, this crowd got out of control, invaded the Parliament building and roughed up several MPs. However, this was followed by nights of terror that resulted in Catholic churches being sacked, homes of well-known Catholics being invaded, looted, and burned, and other senseless violence against anyone seen as non-Protestant. The nightly Gordon riots were finally brought under control by a massive deployment of military and mass arrests of those leading the rioters.

This Dickensian novel has the hallmarks of his work, and the pacing of a serialized publication. The eighty-two chapters are slow going in the beginning as Dickens fleshes out the characters, but the last half of the book rewards the patient reader with a gripping Mother-Son tale of woe and redemption.

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Thursday, July 15, 2021

The Old Curiosity Shop

The Old Curiosity ShopThe Old Curiosity Shop by Charles Dickens
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This is a classic Dickens tale, with an intricate plot and monumental cast of characters 50 chapters in the making. The last 23 chapters closes the extensive plot web to a satisfying, albeit sad, ending.

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