Monday, April 13, 2009

Our Basset Buddy got a ride to a nearby dog park on Easter Sunday. I shot the video of him in the car blind by balancing the video camera on my left shoulder as I (slowly) drove the car. His ears are like bird wings in any kind of breeze. Danielle's friend Waymon got the job of walking him in the park, which he did in good grace.


The Southern Mint Julep said...

Oh that Buddy is so cute. I am so glad you guys rescued him. Adorable Rich! Give everyone a hug for me please.

The Southern Mint Julep said...

Oh Buddy is just so cute. I had to steal a nice picture of him from your gallery and write a little rescue story about him for my blog.

Be sure and visit it. I put a link also back to your blog so everyone can see his cute video too.

Miss you guys a bunch.

diane b said...

He looks like the boss.